February 23, 2010 7:59 am Bronco Vincent Blaine joined our family weighing 9lb 0.6 oz, and measuring 21 3/4 inches long. The biggest surprise at his birth was the color of his hair! Our first blonde baby! Maybe one will look like me after all. We all feel like we've received the best present ever. Last week the kids would be waiting eagerly after school for Nate to pick them up and bring them to the hospital to hold their baby brother. Now they come home and wash up first thing and want to know where the baby is.
Where did the name Bronco come from? Nate has wanted to name a son that forever, but I laughed it off, until this one. I just couldn't think of a name that I loved, like I did with Ben and Deven. I watched how passionate Nate was about this name and had to admit it's only fair for him to pick a name too. It has grown on me, and when I first saw him, he looked like a Bronco to me. It also helps that the BYU head football coach is named Bronco and we both think he could be a great role model to follow. Vincent is my dad's name and he's also worth following. He's one of the most kind and giving people I know.
Here I am a couple of days before birthday... Nate kept saying stop looking so pained. I said, "stop taking my picture then!" I hate pictures, but we needed a tummy picture. Plus, it is painful to be this pregnant!!
Mommy's first kiss for Bronco
Daddy, Bronco, and Mommy
Very happy kids, which one is different?
I love just holding him!
The nurse let the kids listen to the heart beat.
Daddy couldn't be happier!
Playing cards with Grandma
Bronco ready to go home
Home at last with Grandma
Our sweet angel.
Needing c-sections is the less than ideal way to go, but I am getting pretty used to it now that I have had four of them. I just want to say that who knew the best hospital and doctor ever would be found in small town Brigham City, Utah. We are thouroughly impressed, and would recommend both to everyone!! I am recovering very well. We are so grateful to have my mom here helping. I couldn't do it without her. This is a very special time in life and we are enjoying the miracle of it all. Bronco's cord had a scary knot in it and the doctor said someone must be watching over us. Yes, we do think Someone is there watching over us and we thank Him for Bronco!