Monday, May 12, 2008

Spring has sprung!

Spring has sprung! I am so glad! These tulips Nate and I planted last fall, and they survived the arctic winter! I am so glad. They brighten my day each time I see them outside.
The pink ones along the driveway are breathtaking as well.
The flowers look better with a pretty model! Thanks Emily!
Miracles do happen! No more diapers! Deven is pretty much all potty trained. For the last couple of days he has stayed dry, going to the store, soccer games, church, and even playing outside. Yesterday when he went poo in the potty five times! I can't tell you how good it felt to realize that was five diapers that we didn't have to change! He's been earning a matchbox car for every time he goes poop in the potty, and an m&m or skittle for ever time he pees. Ben and Emily get treats for helping. Deven's at the point where I don't really need to give him prizes, but we are so happy to do so if it means no more diapers!!!
Last night Deven wanted to wear underwear to bed. I was prepared with extra blankets under him, so changing the bed would be easy. He woke up dry this morning and went right to the bathroom. AMAZING! What a kid! It just goes to show that when they make up their mind, anything is possible. Just now as I was helping him get dressed he brought me a diaper... EEEEK, I hope he doesn't change his mind now... Phew, he chose underwear again...

Now, that the snow has receded into the high mountains, we can hike again. The kids hiked all the way up the Rocky Dugway road a week ago Saturday. What troopers!
We also walked down to the campground the day before. It's nice to visit our summer places again.
These pictures are all messed up, but here we are again up on the hike up the mountain. This is where the spring melt crossed the road. Up a ways more we saw a large mountain lion track. We also saw lots of dead deer. This winter was really hard on them. From the top we could see down Mantua valley, through the canyon, and down to the valley below where Corrine is. What a view.
I have been Emily's soccer team's coach this season. It has been such fun! I dragged my feet going into it, but if she wants to play next year, I think I'll coach again.
Ben's face says it all. That was my thought exactly as we woke up to this snow this morning. Oh well, it didn't stay long. I took the tulip pictures this afternoon, so it's nice out again.

Now that the sun shines, Nate has to get creative when he forgets a hat to cover his head.
Mom and Granny came out for a week and we had a great time. Here we went out to Promontory point, the famous site of the last spike that connected the trans continental railroad. It was snowing and cold that day (yes, it was the end of April), but Granny and Mom (or Grandma around here) were troopers and we had a great time. Nate works near there, so we kidnapped him from work.

We also visited the little zoo in Logan. Again, we had such a fun time.
At a fun dinner party with Jill and Thain and Mom and Granny, the guys built the tallest marble maze tower that they could manage with Ben's set.
Run Ben, chase the ball! Ben is having fun learning how to play soccer!

If you want really fun kids music I recommend you check out He's more known as "Mr. Stinky Feet". We got to know his music through the Albuquerque summer programs and concerts with the Hammonds. He's the best! The music cheers Nate and I up as well. Don't let your kids miss out! I guess that's all for today. If you have a blog now let me know, I'll link your page to ours. Happy spring! Love, Jen


Andrea Landaker said...

I remember you had such great tulips at your house here in ABQ! Tulips here are already bloomed and gone -- we're on to roses already! :-) Hooray for potty training!

Oh, and my blog's if I forgot to tell you. :-)

Susan Dunlap said...

Ahhhh, Blaines! You do have the seasons! Dad and I loved your pictures and comments! Huge hooray for Deven, and big sister and brother for their leadership and help! Can't wait to see each of you again!!!!!

Shelly said...

Hurray you guys have a blog! So fun to see what you are up to. I love your house. Ken would be quite jealous. He grew up in a town like yours. The area you live in is gorgeous. So fun to be able to go skiing so much. I love skiing and miss it so much. It has been a long time since I have been able to go living in Arizona and now Ohio. We have a blog too. If you want to check it out it is

MamaJuneBugJones said...

So fun! You guys all look great!
Woo Hoo for no more diapers! Aspyn finally decided it was time a couple months ago. It has been wonderful!
We think of you guys often!

Amanda said...

Jill sent me a link to your blog...yay! I recently started one as well, it's just such a great way to keep in touch with people and enjoy fun pictures! What an adorable family you have, and it sounds like you guys are loving life up in Mantua - I'm so glad =).
Congrats on no more diapers! What an accomplishment for Deven, and what a good feeling for you! Also, aren't tulips the best? I love them.

Elisha said...

Hi Jen Love the pics. Life sounds good. I am currently in Paradise. Saw your mom yesterday. she looks good. Miss seeing you.Check out my blog and say hi.

Flying Princess said...

I am bitter. I still have three that wear diapers at night. At least I only have one during the day and she saves it all up for night time.

I'm glad that you didn't fall off the face of the earth. I miss the seasons, but not the winter as long as you had there.

The Easton Family said...

I'm really hoping that this is the same Jen that I knew in Paradise... you seem to look the same! I found your blog through Elisha (who I just recently found as well!) How are you?!?! You seem to be doing great... come check out my family at

can't wait to get back in touch with you!
Jeannie Gallacci Easton

Heidi said...

I love all of your pictures of the mountains, etc. Out here in the Midwest we got spring earlier, but we don't have anything like a mountain!

You can visit the Midwest via our blog:

And, why to go with the potty-training! Whoo-hoo!