Last week we had a fun time with Cindy and Joe and their fun kids at the their cabin at Strawberry resevoir. Catching three fish in a row was the most exciting part. Well, actually Cindy and I creaming Nate and Joe at a late night Spades game was more exciting, but the kids missed out on that part.
After Nate took this picture I said, "you just love taking bad pictures of me, don't you..." He said, "I take good pictures of you"... Hmmmmm.... Well, I guess I look as tired as I felt... :)
This is Emily with Nate on Saturday before she knew I was taking a picture.
This is Emily perked up and posing for a fall picture with her brothers. I guess she likes hiking after all... :)
The tooth fairy is going to go broke on our family. Ben lost his first tooth Saturday night. He was so excited about it. I can't believe he's at this stage already. My babies are growing up!