Say cheese, it's time to take more pictures for our blog. Grandma is requesting more pictures!
Deven happily complies.
Happy 30th Jill! We love you! We are watching her dog Spunky while she and Thain are traveling all over Europe. Lucky!
Last weekend we went to Vernal, Utah and to the National Dinosaur Monument. Look very closely. They are pointing at a leg bone literally sticking out of the rock. Very cool! The kids LOVED it. Nate said as a kindergartner he was fascinated with dinosaurs and would have been in heaven in a place like this.
Emily and Ben hiking up a little cliff with Nate. Deven and I opted for safer ground.
Emily sliding down a natural rock slide we found on our rainy hike.
This canyon was a lady's pig pen. Literally. She lived out here all by herself and was self sufficent for 40 years without modern conviences. Amazing. This canyon echoed like crazy. Ben and Nate grew hoarse from all the yelling and echoing. Spunky, the dog, was going crazy with all the noise.
Can you find Ben and Emily?
Riding in the new motorhome was really rough.
The family at Flaming Gorge Dam.
Ben, Deven and Nate looking at Mommy trying to take a nap. I didn't get much sleep.
Ben the rock mountain climber.
Our new motorhome. Nate has been wanting one forever. We found this one for a really good price. It's older, but it works. I am the least excited about our new addition, but the others are really excited. The fall colors up in Flaming Gorge were breath taking!
Here is Heidi, my partner in crime most days here in Mantua. I received boxes of apples, pears, and peaches for free this summer. She patiently helped me can and preserve the abundance of fruit. Thanks Heidi!!! Her son Tyler and my Deven are the same age. We have a lot of fun together. A couple of days ago we ventured up in the moutains behind Mantua with the boys for a picnic.
Here I am with the boys.
The kids are holding beets. Yes, beets, that have been neglected in our garden. It's supposed to snow this weekend (boo hoo), so it's time to hurry and get everything out of our garden.
This picture is for my mom. She asked for pictures of the canning I have been doing. Here is the result of my pear canning yesterday. The jars look so pretty when they are done. Canning is not my favorite activity, but I can't pass up delicious free fruit!
Sorry for such a long blog, but I just don't get the chance to do this very often! Happy Fall!